Dina's Blog

  • The One-Year Anniversary of Values, Inc.

    What a difference a year can make! When my new book Values. Inc., came out last March, I was just hoping to connect with readers. I was operating on a hunch. I was using gut-instinct to fill a need – the need for more companies to find their way and live and lead with values.

    My only focus groups were the countless commentators at my speaking engagements and face-to-face encounters over the years. But they were always consistent! Anytime I was invited to speak about the Code of Values and our success at The Dwyer Group, people always asked me how they could apply the same thing at their organizations.

    Eventually, there was a better way to answer their questions. ‘I’ll write a book. I’ll give people wonderful examples of values in action from leaders and organizations all over the world. I’ll shine the light on others who lead with values. And then I’ll show readers how they can create their own set of values for their organizations.’

    Values, Inc. connected with readers and exceeded expectations. The topic of ethics in business has never been greater.

    The long list of endorsements for the book were the first peek at the exciting journey ahead: Matthew Kelly, Ken Blanchard, Dr. Ben Carson, Chris Carlson, Sharon Lechter, John Assaraf, Verne Harnish, Shep Hyken, Eric Chester, Tommy Spaulding, Joe Polish, Gregory Slayton, Lisa Huetteman, Barbara Glanz, Robert Cooper, Walter Bond, Margaret McEntire and more. They believed in Values, Inc. from the beginning. And their praise for the book was encouragement to share the message with as many people as possible.

    When the book was released, I challenged business leaders to focus on values.

    The franchising industry was immediately supportive, saying that the book showed the way forward. And that followed with an incredible number of awards and honors from others. Forbes named it to the Top 10 Business Books From 2015. Web.com named it to Three Books Small Business Owners Should Read. And many unbelievable invitations followed along the way.

    From Harvard to Congress and places in between, Values, Inc. has found an audience.

    Dina Dwyer and her book signings

    It was an incredible year of speeches, book signings and sharing values.

    That gut-instinct that led to the book was affirmed in quick order. The audiences varied from faith-based gatherings, to university settings, to political institutes and more. With each invitation came the reassurance that the message of Values, Inc. was resonating in important ways that I had only dreamed could happen.

    As the calendar filled up, so did my joy to share the message with so many wonderful audiences at America’s Best Hope, Women’s Entrepreneurship Day, the annual Congressional Institute Retreat and more.

    Today Values, Inc. is also an audio book, thanks to the wonderful selection committee at AudioTech.

    To everyone who has made the first year of Values, Inc. an incredible success, I send my deepest thanks. This could not have happened without your support. And we’re only getting started.

    The call to do more remains, and the future holds amazing possibilities. I invite everyone to consider this anniversary a reminder of the good that exists when positive things are shared. Share this message. Share the book. Share your belief and your examples of values in action. As I say in the book: “Take a stand. Make a difference. The rewards are too great to ignore.”

    To order the book, visit www.values-inc.com or find it on Amazon.
